How to apply for a place

Admission Arrangements

In Oxfordshire all children are expected to enter school at the beginning of the academic year they become 5 years old.  Garsington Church of England Primary School is an Academy managed by the River Learning Trust and as such is its own admissions authority.  The River Learning Trust has delegated the responsibility for admission arrangements for Garsington CE Primary School to the Local Authority, Oxfordshire County Council.  

Details of how places are allocated in the case of over subscription can be found in our Admissions Policy.  Please also refer to the Variation Determined Admission Arrangements and Rules for 2022-23. Our Admissions Policy for 2024-25 can be found here. Our Admissions Policy for 2025-26 can be found here.

Garsington CE Primary school is a voluntary controlled school but our admissions policy does not discriminate in favour of, or against, children of any religion. 

The catchment area for Garsington Church of England Primary School are the villages of Garsington, Cuddesdon and Denton, although some children do come from adjoining areas and villages.

Parents and carers of children seeking to join the school in later year groups than Foundation Stage (Reception) can contact the Headteacher or School Administrator to determine if we have places available, but all admissions must go through the County Council Admissions Team.

PAN for each year group 

FS    30

Y1    30

Y2    30

Y3    30

Y4    30

Y5    30

Y6    30


Every effort is made to make a place available for your child in our school. However, schools have a limit on the number of children they can take. In the case of Garsington Church of England Primary School this is 30 in each year group. This figure is set by the Local Authority (LA) and agreed by our governing body. If the number of children wanting a place is below the set figure, your child will be offered a place. There may, however, come a point when there are too many children of that year group for them all to be given a place.

If a place is not available on application you have the right to appeal to Oxfordshire County Council. A guide on Appealing for a School Place can be found on the Oxfordshire County Council website.  This link also includes the admissions appeal timetable. 

Starting School for the first time

Pupils start school in the September of the academic year in which they are five. Starting school is a very important time for you, your child and the school. We all need to work together to make the transition smooth and rewarding. In the term prior to their entry, pupils are invited into school for a half day visit. This will help them become familiar with the surroundings and routines of school. During this period, there will be meetings for parents to discuss school routines and talk about any worries you might have. 

Joining School later on

Sometimes children join the school later on in their school life. We make every effort to ensure they are welcomed, looked after and monitored so that they quickly make friends and can find their way around the school. Teachers give children time to settle in before making an assessment of their academic abilities. This assessment, together with records from the previous school, will enable your child to have the best start in our school. Find out more on our Late Admissions Page (ADD LINK)

Moving on – Transferring to Secondary School

At the end of primary school, children transfer to a local secondary school. The large majority of children go to Wheatley Park Secondary School though some pupils also move into private education or city schools.

We have strong links with Wheatley Park through the curriculum, community events and our school partnership. Teachers from Wheatley Park visit our school and Year 6 pupils make visits to Wheatley Park during their final year as part of an induction programme. This is seen as a very positive process ensuring a smooth transfer for our children.