Governing Body
Garsington Primary School Governing Body
Our school governors come from a range of backgrounds, bringing together different skills, experiences and knowledge. We have several different types of governors:
Governors do not act independently but together as a governing body with joint responsibility. The role of the governing body is a strategic one and its key functions are:
set the aims and objectives of the school
set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
set targets for achieving those aims and objectives
monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making
be a source of challenge and support to the Head
ensure clarity of vision, ethos, and strategic direction;
oversee the financial performance of the school and ensure its money is well spent
maintaining stakeholder engagement/building relationships with parents, staff pupils, and the wider community.
The governing body is structured into subcommittees that deal with specific areas of school development, including:
Pay Committee
Headteacher Performance Management
Governing Subcommittees
Pay Panel:
Chair of Governors and Chairs of Committees
Headteacher Performance Management:
Matthew Newman, Sue Funge, and Simon Rotheram
LGB membership and Register of Interests 2024-2025
Governor Meeting Attendance Record 2023/24
Garsington Primary School Local Governing Body - members
The term of office for most governors is four years. Exceptions are Co-opted Governors for whom the term of office is two years, and the Headteacher, who sits on the Local Governing Body because of their professional role and so has no fixed term of office.
Sometimes Governors are re-elected or re-appointed to serve a second four year term, and this has been noted below.
Our clerk of governors is Linda Cowmeadow. Her email address is
Type of governor: Ex-officio
Appointing body: Governing Body
Term of office: 1/9/15 - ongoing
Committee membership: member of all subcommittees
Positions of responsibility: Headteacher
Rebecca Honey
Type of governor: Staff
Appointing body: Staff
Term of office: 01/09/2024-31/08/2028 - Term 1
Positions of responsibility: EYFS and Y1 Lead
Type of governor: Community
Appointing body: Local Governing Board
Term of office: 11/04/2020- 10/04/2028 - Term 2
Committee membership: Pay Committee
Positions of responsibility: Co-Chair of LGB, Safeguarding, Curriculum Development
Claire M.
Type of governor: Parent Governor
Appointing body: Parents
Term of office: 22/11/21-21/11/25 - Term 1
Positions of responsibility: Behaviour and Attendance, SEND, Pupil Premium,
Annalisa Miller
Type of governor: Parent Governor
Appointing body: Parents
Term of office: 19/11/2021- 18/11/25- Term 1
Committee membership: Impact
Positions of responsibility: Teaching and Learning
Matthew Newman
Type of governor: Community Governor
Appointing body: Local Governing Board
Term of office: 11/05/2021-10/05/2025 - Term 1
Committee membership: Resources and Pay Committee
Positions of responsibility: Co-Chair of LGB, Chair of Resources Committee, Health and Safety, Premises
James Anderson
Type of governor: Parent Governor
Appointing body: Parents
Term of office: 12/07/2023-11/07/2027- Term 1
Committee membership: Resources and Pay Committee
Positions of responsibility: Finance and Budget
Zoe Hawkins
Type of governor: Parent Governor
Appointing body: Parents
Term of office: - 01/01/2024- 31/12/2028 - Term 1
Committee membership: Resources
Positions of responsibility: Curriculum Development and Writing
Beverley Harry
Type of governor: Community Governor
Appointing body: Local Governing Board
Term of office: 16/07/2024-15/07/2028 - Term 1
Positions of responsibility: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Simon Rotheram
Type of governor: Foundation Governor
Appointing body: Local Governing Board
Term of office: 01/01/2025-31/12/2028 - Term 1
Positions of responsibility: SIAMS and being a church school
Kajsa-Stina Longuere
Type of governor: Foundation Governor
Appointing body: Local Governing Board
Term of office: 01/01/2025-31/12/2028 - Term 1
Positions of responsibility: Staff Wellbeing