Spirituality at our school
What Is Spirituality?
It is very difficult to put into words what ‘spirituality’ actually is because it is a very personal experience. It differs from person to person and often spirituality changes within people during their lifetime. Spirituality is not the same as having a religion or faith; a person can be spiritual without having a particular faith.
At our school spiritual development of pupils is shown by their:
- ability to be reflective about their own beliefs, religious or otherwise, that inform their perspective on life and their interest in and respect for different people’s faiths, feelings and values
- sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them
- use of imagination and creativity in their learning
- willingness to reflect on their experiences.
How do we develop spirituality at Garsington?
Aspect of Spirituality
Love for the outside
A sense of awe and wonder
How this is experienced at our school
- Our Red Kite values of enthusiasm and enrichment
- Linked to our curriculum intent to nurture a love of learning
- Forest school for FS to Year 2 pupils
- Off site visits where possible (link to our curriculum intent)
- School traditions (celebrating the church foundation, May Day)
- Regular visits to St Mary’s Church (Harvest, Christmas, Easter, Leavers)
- Residentials in Year 4 and Year 6
- Be Space (outside)
- Big Science Share
- Welcome events (class picnics at start of the year)
Aspect of Spirituality
Sense of enquiry and open mindedness
How this is experienced at our school
- Our Red Kite values of determination and teamwork
- Linked to our curriculum intent to make learning interactive and make all are learners active not passive (whole school progression of growth mindset skills)
- Stories in Collective Worship
- Big Questions in RE lessons (Discovery RE)
- Big Questions from children displayed in the hall for discussion at lunchtimes
- Weekly Jigsaw lessons that include mindfulness in every session
- Partnership events (maths challenge afternoon, Problem solving afternoon and General Knowledge afternoon for Year 5 and 6 pupils with local schools)
Aspect of Spirituality
Sense of life’s joys, achievements and self confidence
How this is experienced at our school
- Our Red Kite values of enthusiasm and determination
- Celebrations and achievement assemblies
- Pupil of term linked to our termly value (voted by the children)
- 5 ways to wellbeing and wellbeing ambassadors
- Garsington Has Talent
- Red Kites at home
- Headteacher’s stars linked to the values challenge of the week
- Whole school themed weeks (International Evening, Kindness week, Aspirations week, E Safety week, Take over day, Science week, Arts week and Health and Safety Week)
- Community events (Festival of Voice, Primary Pop, Big Christmas Sing, Strictly Dancing, Cowley Road Carnival, Oxford Half Marathon, Village Easter Egg Hunt)
Aspect of Spirituality
Personal responsibility and decision making
How this is experienced at our school
- Our Red Kite values of responsibility and independence
- Each class has a whole school responsibility (Eco warriors, litter pickers, young leaders, local news reporters, friendship time organisers, prefects and house captains)
- Young leaders and buddies
- Behaviour policy approach (reflect, repair and reconnect)
- Pupil involvement in lesson planning and evaluating including Collective Worship and RE lessons
- End of Term evaluations by the pupils (analysed by staff and governors)
- Grow your brain homework tasks
- Breakfast cafe run by Year 5 and Year 6 (business planning)
Aspect of Spirituality
Sense of disappointment
How this is experienced at our school
- Our Red Kite values of responsibility, determination, and independence
- Assemblies linked to famous ‘failures’ and challenges overcome
- Problem solving approach to learning
- Celebration of marvelous mistakes
- Friendship Champions and conflict resolution
- Understanding of current affairs
- Supporting charities (British Legion, Children in Need, Comic/Sport Relief, Christmas Jumpers, Race for Life) with assemblies led by the Charities Council.
Aspect of Spirituality
Empathy and understanding feelings of others
How this is experienced at our school
- Our Red Kite values of kindness and teamwork
- Buddy system
- Young leaders
- Social stories
- Weekly class challenges
- Problem solving during Friendship Time
- Friendship Champions, prefects and friendship area in the playground
- Anti Bullying/ Kindness week and Make me Smile project
Aspect of Spirituality
Silence and reflection
How this is experienced at our school
- Our Red Kite values link to Bible stories and our values prayers
- Our curriculum intent that links our learning to our vision and values
- Collective Worship and RE lessons, candle lighting
- Weekly Biblical quotes in Collective Worship and on weekly display
- Jigsaw and mindfulness
- Mindfulness Club
- Thinking time in lessons
- Be space
- Inside and outside reflection and prayer spaces
- Chaplaincy transition work with Year 6
- Whole school themed weeks (International Evening, Kindness week, Aspirations week, E Safety week, Take over day, Arts week and Health and Safety Week) linked to the Christian faith where possible e.g. Christianity around the world at International Evening
- Reflection led by the Vicar during Christmas and Easter workshop afternoons for the community