Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium additional funding is provided by the government to be used specifically to close attainment gaps between disadvantaged pupils and their peers. Schools are given the freedom to spend this funding as they wish so that they can respond to the individual circumstances of their most vulnerable learners. Funding is annually received for those pupils who appear on our October census data as:

FSM entitlement (Free School Meals)- those pupils eligible for free school meals (FSM) or have been eligible since they started in school. 

Children adopted from care or who have left care 

Service Children - children with parents in the armed forces or in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence.

Our Approach

Pupil premium is allocated within the school with the specific aim to raise the achievement of vulnerable learners. The funding may be used explicitly, e.g. to provide one-to-one tuition or individual resources; but it may also be used tacitly, to provide staff training or enable improved learning environments for groups of learners.

Pupil premium spending is managed by the school's Senior Leadership Team in conjunction with the Pupil Premium governor. Pupil premium spend is regularly reported to the relevant governor subcommittees and the full governing body.

                      Pupil Premium Strategy Statements





Pupil Premium Allocations

2024-25- £41,570.83 (24 pupils)

2023-24- £44,723.17 (25 pupils)

     2022-23- £37,580.83  (24 pupils)

  2021-22- £36,394  (22 pupils)