Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

Mrs Theobalds is the class teacher.  Our teaching assistant is Mrs Hutton.

Year 6 A-Z of Useful Information 

Be Ready

Check out our Be Ready guidance which outlines the skills and responsibilities expected from our pupils as they enter each new class group.

Growth Mindset

At Garsington all pupils, staff, and parents are encouraged to have a growth mindset. Check out ideas and guidance on how you can achieve this via the Growth Mindset page.


Homework is of increasing importance in Year 6 and we will expect all children to hand in their homework on time each week. Work is put on Google Classroom on a Thursday and will be due in by the following Tuesday. As the year progresses, children will be given SATs buster booklets which they will be expected to complete. In addition, the children will have weekly spellings - these spellings need to be learned by Tuesday for a test on that day. 

Lunch Menu

In Year 6 pupils must pay for school dinners and parents should book dinners via School Grid. If you think you are eligible for free school meals, please contact the School Office. Dolce is our supplier. 


This term we will be doing PE on Tuesday afternoons. When the weather permits, we will go down to the ‘Rec’ with Year 5. It is therefore really important that your child has the correct PE kit. This includes: 

· White polo shirt or plain white T-shirt; plain dark shorts; and trainers (plimsolls are optional for indoor wear). 

· Tracksuits are permitted during outdoor PE . 

· Long hair must be tied back during all PE lessons. 

-Small studs must be taped or, ideally removed, for PE. Children should bring their own Microporous Surgical Tape to school in a clearly named box. 

· Grey or black trousers or shorts 


In Year 6, pupils are given extra responsibilities around the school by acting as prefects. Children in Y6 carry out duties in the school office, lunch hall, and wherever else is needed. Prefects change each term.


Children should read for at least 30 minutes every day. Parents should ensure that children have understood what they read. Books can be taken home from the class library. Please ensure your child has a book that is challenging enough. 

Topic Web

For details of all the curriculum subjects, we will be studying this term please see the relevant topic web above.


For further information on our upcoming SATS please take a look at our SATS Powerpoint. 


Weekly spellings are tested on a Tuesday.


Those years 6 children who cannot swim 25 metres will be swimming as part of the National Curriculum during Term 6

As well as a swimsuit/trunks and a towel, children will need to wear a swimming hat. These can be purchased. If children wish to wear goggles we will need explicit permission (see ParentMail). 


Below is our standard timetable for this term. Some lessons may change.


Parents are reminded that pupils should not wear nail varnish or any jewelry—except small ear studs and watches.

Water and snacks

Children are encouraged to bring in a water bottle, but are reminded that they should only drink water in class.