
Linked to our value of the term are our weekly values, collective worship, big questions, learning detective challenges, class challenges and inspirational quotes. See below for weekly information on what pupils and staff focused on when exploring Term 1's value of Responsibility.

Weekly values

Our weekly values of belonging, friendship and responsibility include how to be a Red Kite learner and take responsibility for your own learning, being responsible around the school, being a responsible friend, responsibility for others and the environment, responsibility for your own learning, respect for others.

Collective Worship

Week 1

Big Questions for Term 1

After welcoming everyone back we will discuss the different groups that we all belong to, being part of the Christian church and part of Garsington school. We will ask what makes our school unique and revisit the Red Kite Values.

Luke 3: 1-18. John the Baptist & Jesus is baptised.

Week 2

Genesis 2: 4-25. Adam and Eve, right and wrong.

Week 3

We will discuss what does it mean and why is it important to be responsible?

We will discuss the different responsibilities in the school and the link between responsibility, trust and recognition. Children will be asked to complete the feeling safe and happy survey.

Barnabas Bible, living God’s way Page 231

Week 4

Matthew 13

Week 5

The Harvest Story. Relating the seeds to how people listen to God.

We will discuss taking responsibility for how we learn and how we can use the gifts we have (our brain, our teachers, our classrooms, our friends, parents) to make us the best learners that we can be.

Parable of the three servants. Matthew 25

Week 6

Ruth and Naomi

Week 7

We will discuss responsibility in friendship.

We will introduce the International Evening and the countries that each class will represent and discuss celebrating different cultures and the Christian Church in the world.

The Tower of Babel Genesis 11:1-9

Learning detectives for Term 1

Learning Detective Challenges: Term 1

Week 2

Check that classes are being responsible when lining up and doing lunchtime duties.

Week 3

Set up a rota to ensure that everyone in the class carries out their school responsibilities.

Week 4

Encourage your class to eat their lunch and take responsibility in keeping the lunch hall tidy.

Week 5

Secret spy mission linked to the class challenge of the week.

Week 6

Friendship chain showing off our acts of kindness.

Week 7

Review the challenges achieved by your class. Write the certificate ready for presentation.

Inspirational Quotes

Week 1

"We may have different religions, different languages, different coloured skin, but we all belong to one human race." Kofi Annan

Week 2

“Quit making excuses. Putting it off. Complaining about it. Dreaming about it. Whining about it. Crying about it. Believing you can’t. Worrying if you can. Waiting until you are older. Make a plan and just do it.” – Nike

The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.

Week 3

Wise people are careful to stay out of trouble, but foolish people act without thinking. Proverbs 14:16 (Wisdom of Life)

If you follow God’s way, you will be like a little salt in a cooking pot, making the whole mean taste good; or like a lamp shining brightly in a dark place, bringing light so that all can see. Matthew 5: 1-12

Week 4

‘Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.’ Oprah Winfrey

‘No matter what happens always be thankful.’ Thessalonians 5:18

Week 5

‘Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do.’ Colossians 3:23

Week 6

‘Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like a family.’ Proverb 18.24

You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’

Week 7

All religions, cultures and beliefs deserve the same amount if respect even if they are different from your own.

Week 1

What different groups do you belong to?

Week 2

What are your responsibilities in school and at home?

Week 3

Why is important to be responsible?

Week 4

What are you thankful for?

Week 5

Why is important to be responsible? How do you show responsibility at school and at home?

Week 6

What does a good friend do?’

Week 7

Why is it good to be different?

Class Challenges

Week 1

Do we all feel part of our class and can we follow the class expectations?

Week 2

Can we all walk around school responsibly with and without an adult including at lunchtimes?

Week 3

We all know what our school responsibility is and work responsibly to complete it everyday.

Week 4

We are all responsible at lunchtime. We appreciate our food and those who help to give us our food.

Week 5

Classes will choose their challenge based on either responsibility linked to active listening or responding to feedback.

Week 6

We all complete an act of friendship everyday.

Week 7

We can all say good morning and good afternoon in a number of different languages.