Weekly values
Our weekly values of determination will include discussing new starts, being determined with our learning, finding strategies when things get difficult, celebrating our talents, challenging ourselves and the importance of friends.
Collective Worship
Week 1
We will begin the year by reviewing our New Year resolutions and discussing new starts and changing your ways. Our discussions will link to good behaviour expectations in the hall, playground and corridors at lunchtime. Quotes highlighting the need for determination will be given out to each class.
Luke 19: Zacchaeus the Tax Collector
Week 2
This week we will revisit the concepts of fixed and growth mindsets. Pupils will listen to the quotes and determine are they fixed or growth mindset? Our discussions will link to the display in the front entrance. Each teacher will set a class challenge based on the focus of lesson visits for Spring Term (marking and feedback, challenge).
Nehemiah 6: Repairing the city walls
Week 3
If at first you don’t succeed... We will hear about the story of Robert the Bruce and the Spider and talk about strategies to use when things get hard. Our discussion will link to class displays for the Determination display in the hall.
Robert the Bruce and the spider
Week 4
This week we will be celebrating the creation of new life with a focus on Christenings and the talents that we have been given. This week our talents will be on show as we perform Garsington's Got Talent.
Genesis 1: 1-2 The Creation Story
Week 5
It's all about determination and not giving up! This week we will talk about following Jesus and challenging yourself to be the best you can be.
Mark 10:46 Blind Bartimaeus
Week 6
Friendship is important - through good and bad times. We will discuss this in relation to the Disciples and their friendship with Jesus.
Mark 1: 14-20 Jesus and his special friends, the Four Fishermen
Learning Detectives
Big Questions for Term 3
our learning detectives for Term 3
Week 1
"What does the value determination mean?" LDs will be exploring this question. They will be asking their classes to look at the Values board and explaining the class challenges and sticker chart.
Week 2
LDs challenge is to try and make sure everyone is using a Growth Mindset.
Week 3
LDs will be exploring what to do when things get difficult. They will be using Post It notes in their classes to write down what they can do if they become stuck.
Week 4
This week the LDs will help to celebrate our talents by helping organise the heats for the Talent Show.
Week 5
LDs will be discussing the chilli challenges and making chilli templates for each class.
Week Beginning 6/2/17 Week 6
Each LD will make a Challenges Certificate for their
class and present it.
Inspirational Quotes
Week 1
‘You are never too old to set another goal or dream another dream.’ CS Lewis
Week 2
God always has something for you, a key for every problem, a light for every shadow. A relief for every sorrow and a plan for every tomorrow.
Week 3
‘Whatever you do work at it with all your heart.’ Colossians 3:23
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not discourage for the Lord, your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
Week 4
‘I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.’ Philippians 4:13
Your talent is a gift from God. What you do with it is your gift to him.
Week 5
Every wall is a door for hardworking and persistent people, others take any door as a wall.
The whole world might seem to be against you, but Jesus once said: "...But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33.
Week 1
What does determination mean?
Week 2
Do you have a fixed or growth mindset?
How do you know?
Week 3
What do you find difficult?
Week 4
What talents do you have?
Week 5
How have you challenged yourself this week?
Week 6
What makes a great friend?
Class Challenges
Week 1
We have followed the expectations at lunchtime
and have been a Reflection Room free class.
Week 2
We all know what our challenge is from our
lesson visit and are working hard to achieve it.
Week 3
We don’t give up when things get hard. We know how to get unstuck!
Week 4
We know a special talent for every child in our
class and we celebrate it.
Week 5
We all try harder to challenge ourselves.
Week 6
We have worked hard to solve any
friendship issues this week.