RE and Collective Worship 

Religious education (RE) is not part of the National Curriculum but must be taught in schools by law. The syllabus is agreed locally; it teaches children about different faiths and beliefs, and stresses the importance of respecting these.  More details about Oxfordshire’s agreed RE syllabus, and the syllabus updated in 2023 and can be found here.

Our school’s relationship with the church does not change parents’ statutory right to withdraw their child from religious education or collective worship.

Please find our RE Policy . This policy links with the updated Oxfordshire Scheme of Work

Please find our Collective Worship Policy

Ms d'Archambaud, the Headteacher, is our school Lead on Collective Worship.  Each term Collective Worship is linked to our School Vision and Values.  We hold Collective Worship everyday in school either in our classes or we come together as a whole school. We also have strong links with St Mary's CE. Church in Garsington and make regular trips to the Church for Harvest, Christmas, Easter and at the end of the year. 

Ms d'Archambaud is the school Subject lead for RE.  Please visit the class Topic Web pages to find out what each year group is studying in RE. 

Pupils are regularly invited to help the Headteacher lead collective worship assemblies. Years 4, 5 and 6 have the opportunity to be part of the Collective Worship Planning group. 

Our Reverend Tom Wallis comes in every Thursday to deliver a collective worship assembly to all children.

Rev. Sarah Brush, our Safeguarding Governor, comes for regular visits to the school to support with the teaching of RE.